Production type: collaborating on the strategy and production of content all year long (original and remixed productions)


Objective: Awareness & DR. Production of assets for TikTok


Creative win:

- Creation of editorial line for the launch on TikTok

- Daily strategic collaboration

- Proposing creative ideas in-line with key trends and best practices

- Video production and localisation​


Production type: remixed content from existing assets.


Objective: Awareness & DR.


Creative win: leveraging on existing content to produce something new. Play with split screens and adapt to audiences and platforms.

Production type: remixed content from existing assets.


Objective: test how important the sound is on FB (one version with music and one with sound design)


Creative win: sound design and ASMR videos. 

Production type: original content production


Objective: Consideration and Conversion. 


Creative win: immersion into how one spent their weekend with Weekendesk, with seamless transition animations.

Production type: Original content production


Objective: Consideration for the upcoming season 


Creative win: Fun and dynamic videos playing with transitions and attractive landscapes



Production type: original and remixed content production


Objective: organic content production to engage with the community.


Creative win: on-site original content shoot with creators. Transitions effects and visual tricks to generate engagement and curiosity.


Production type: turning a TV spot into a social-first set of ads.


Objective: Awareness 


Creative win: play with ads format features and build a creative video around it to highlight the many facets of the car. 



Production type: turning simple images into social-first video ads.


Objective: Awareness 


Creative win: working from very little input to produce videos that appeal to the target audience. 



Production type: shoot of original content. 


Objective: Awareness 


Creative win: content produced with creator, in the same location / set  as TV ad shoot, so both social content and TV could be created at the same time.



Production type: remixed content.


Objective: Conversion. 


Creative win: working from very little input (only car visual) to create appealing video highlight the USPs.




Production type: remixed content.


Objective: Conversion. 


Creative win: working from very little input (only tire visual) to create appealing video highlight the product features.




Production type: Original production


Objective: Awareness through Instagram Reels to show a product and its specificities


Creative win: Using stop motion and transitions to show off every attractive asset





Production type: turing existing  footage a TikTok set of ads.


Objective: Awareness & DR. production of assets for TikTok, IG & YT campaigns for the launch of new Black Opium line pillar. Mix of Branding and direct response ads. Total of 22 deliverables.


Creative win: highlight the ingredients in a unique way, add visual elements that look seamless in the creative and speak to TikTok audience.

Production type: Influencer content + exisgint assets.

Production of TikTok assets for the community commerce gifting campaign x Association Le Refuge.


Objective: Awareness (favourability + intent) and commerce (transactions)


Creative win: "Brandformance". Building advocacy/consideration assets and dynamic product ads creative assets for the lower funnel.




Production type: Original content shoot.


Objective: Conversion. Produce highly engaging e-comm landing pages GIFs to drive performance and purchase.


Creative win: "Brandformance". Building creative assets for the low funnel.



Production type: Original content shoot for TikTok campaigns: Stop Motion video + influencer content with visual tricks.


Objective: Conversion. Drive sales of Advent calendar and limited edition boxes.


Creative win: showcase the calendar and its content in a fun and unexpected way. 



Production type: mix of existing assets for always-on and key moments of the year.


Objective: promote limited offers and drive sales. 


Creative win: mixing influencer and DMI assets to engage and advocate. 





Production type: remixed content + original influencer content.


Objective: Awareness + consideration. Rework existing "non-TikTok friendly" assets to create effective TikToks.


Creative win: build efficient assets within TikTok's codes by playing with text and rhythm. Combine motion design creation with influencer led content. 






Production type: original content from scratch. Creation of Hashtag challenge (ideation, #, music, influencers, etc)


Objective: Awareness and consideration for in-feed campaign's launch across 4 markets.


Creative win: promote the range in a playful way that speaks to the target audience, embracing TikTok's codes.



3.7 Billion views for Hashtag challenge all countries combined (DE,FR,IT,ES)

470 Million views for the #cleanancetapeau in France.

Production type: Original content shoot for TikTok.


Objective: Consideration. 


Creative win: showcase and advocate for the new Revitalift serum mixing influencer content and playful visual elements. 





Production type: remix of DMI and influencer assets.


Objective: Consideration and Conversion. 


Creative win: seamless mix between product, brand and influencer content.





Production type: remixed content production.


Objective: Black Friday campaign focused on conversions. 15 acquisition assets produced including statics, gifs and videos. 


Creative win: sometimes simplicity is key. We created efficient video ads from only a few static images.




profit Y.o.Y. 

Production type: revamping existing assets for social media platforms


Objective: Awareness for the launch of a new product


Creative win: turning product pack shots and videos into a performing mobile first ad



Production type: revamping of existing assets for social media platforms


Objective: Awareness on a new product


Creative win: transforming a simple image into a performing mobile first ad


Production type: Original content


Objective: Awareness and conversion through TikTok


Creative win: A fun and dynamic short tutorial playing with transitions



Production type: creating new ads from existing assets, only from product pack shots.


Objective: Awareness on new product launch.


Creative win: tornado effect catching viewer's attention and revealing the new product.



Best campaign of the year (2019)



Production type: remixed content: turning existing TVC into a set of mobile-first ads.  


Objective: Awareness campaign


Creative win: de-composing, re-thinking and re-creating TV ad to create new social-first highly creative assets. 





Production type: original content.


Objective: Awareness campaign


Creative win: unexpected street encounter and 3D effect to catch viewer's attention.





Production type: remixed content: turning existing TVC into a set of mobile-first ads.  


Objective: Awareness campaign


Creative win: de-composing, re-thinking and re-creating TV ad to create new social-first highly creative assets. 





Production type: remixed content: turning pack shot into a set of mobile-first video ads.  


Objective: Conversion campaign for product range and new night time routine.


Creative win: from only product visuals and brand elements, we produced a set of video and static ads fit to formats, platforms and objectives.





Production type: remixed content: turning product pack shot into a set of mobile-first video ads.  


Objective: CSR campaign


Creative win: 1 video, 1 message, allowing very short format and strong message.





Production type: remixed content (motion design). From only product pack shots and brand elements.


Objective: Consideration and conversion for Gillette subscription program campaign


Creative win: flawless, precise and minimalist content that speaks to the target audience.





Production type: original content production throughout the year.


Objective: Awareness/reach 


Creative win: Premium, playful, colourful and visually satisfying 3D, 2D and real life content that catches viewer's attention.





Production type: original content production throughout the year.


Objective: Awareness/reach 


Creative win: Premium, playful, colourful and visually satisfying 3D and 2D content that catches viewer's attention.





Production type: original content.


Objective: Awareness campaign


Creative win: unexpected street encounter and 3D effect to catch viewer's attention.





Production type: original content and and remixed content from existing assets (statics and pack shots).


Objective: Awareness campaigns, key moments of the year


Creative win: the right balance of craft with the diversity of creative techniques, creating a conversation with the viewer. 





Production type: turning existing  assets into social first ads.


Objective: Awareness & DR. 


Creative win: highlight the special offers and sales using both branding elements (footage from brand campaign) and price promotion elements in a way that speaks to the audience.

Production type: turing existing  footage into a "brandformance" ad.


Objective: Consideration & DR.


Creative win: re-thinking the video and mixing it with perf elements in a seamless, dynamic way. 







Production type: turing existing  footage and graphic elements into a "brandformance" ad.


Objective: Drive qualified traffic and video completion.


Creative win: mixing product focused perf with branding footage.




Production type: turning existing  footage into a carousel of story ads.


Objective: Awareness  campaign for the Middle East market.


Creative win: re-think existing behind the scene and muse interview footage to build new content that seduces the audience.

Production type: turning existing  assets into social first ads.


Objective: Awareness & DR. 


Creative win: highlight the special offer without letting the creative down.

Production type: original TikTok videos.


Objective: Awareness & consideration. Monthly production of organic content for TikTok. 5 to 6 videos produced in 1 day of shoot.


Creative win: showcase brand outfits in a very creative way that surprises the audience with video tricks, within TikTok's codes.

Production type: original content production.


Objective: Awareness campaign for the launch of "Pink Paradise" collection. Mix of lifestyle and fashion.


Creative win: showcase outfits in a very creative way that surprises the audience with video tricks, within TikTok's codes.

Production type: in-store original content shoot. 


Objective: Promote new store opening. Engage and drive traffic in-store.


Creative win: Stop Motion playful videos shoot remotely in half a day (can be multi-location as well). Deliverables: 10 stories.

Production type: Original production


Objective: Conversion with a true view format


Creative win: Playing with transitions, rythm and text overlay







Production type: revamping of existing assets (pack shots) AND original content shoot.


Objective: Carrefour trusts The Source to create content and ads for their innovative products, pushed on all networks.


Creative win: Best “star product” campaign.

Led to rethink innovative product-first campaign. 




Production type: Original production (stop motion).


Objective: communicate about in-store limited offers and seduce with highly engaging content.


Creative win: fun, cute and engaging social native content.




Production type: revamping of existing assets (TVC).


Objective: test creative adaptation on TikTok.


Creative win: fun, innovative and “gamified” ad based on soundtrack. Completely offbeat and TikTok-first video that reached the target audience and brought very good media performance.




Production type: original production.


Objective: RSE, communicate about services and brand commitments on more eco-friendly packaging.


Creative win: efficient, straight to the point and eye-pleasing.





Production type: original content, in-store shoot. 


Objective: Promote "Nature & Découvertes" pop-up store.


Creative win: agile and cost-effective production for these social first assets shoot in half a day.




Production type: revamping of existing assets + AR filter original production.


Objective: Awareness,  Consideration and Conversion. Launch of the new "Happy Galeries" campaign. 


Creative win: playful, out of the box content, engaging with audience, at each step of the funnel.






Production type: original content, in-store shoot with staff and influencer.


Objective: create TikTok first content during the Euro Cup 2020 to push the national football team product range. 


Creative win: viral content with gamification to engage with target audience. 6 content created: 2 with influencer and 4 with Intersport staff.




Production type: revamping of existing assets (TVC).


Objective: test creative adaptation on TikTok.


Creative win: fun, innovative and “gamified” ad based on soundtrack. Completely offbeat and TikTok-first video that reached the target audience and brought very good media performance.




Production type: original content, in-store shoot with staff and influencer.


Objective: create TikTok first content for the launch of TokTok account.


Creative win: viral content to engage with target audience. 9 content created with influencer @steph_aria (published on Castorama's account) and series of videos made with store staff. 




5,1M views (influencer videos)

+31k fans (influencer videos)

31,6k followers (@castorama)

302,2k likes (@castorama)

Production type: revamping of existing assets.


Objective: Consideration and Conversion. Build new content for the campaign of the organic e-shop. 


Creative win: efficient motion design that drives to action and speaks to target audience, from only product pack shots and brand graphic elements.



x2,2 ROAS (v. past year)

6 figures profit (v. past year)


Production type: original content production.


Objective: Conversion. King needed to explore fresher ways to acquire new players v. traditional gaming ads.


Creative win: After a creative exploration we identified 3 creators and produced these videos from scratch.







Goal : 


Production type: original content production.


Objective: Conversion (acquisition). Create ads that will appeal to young men and speak on the functionalities of the game.


Creative win: creative real life video tricks mixed with game-UI focused videos that engage in a playful way with audience. 





Production type: remixed production from existing assets.


Objective: Conversion (acquisition). 


Creative win: creative exploration and iteration of different versions to engage sub-target audiences around their motivations: expertise, social, progression and escapism.










Production type: original content production.


Objective: App installs. 


Creative win: proposing a new type of videos, outside of the app UI screen, surprising and engaging the audience with real life video tricks. 





Production type: original content production.


Objective: Consideration. TotallyMoney needed to explore new types of content.


Creative win: Knocking on the phone screen, the actress engages directly with the viewer in real life.







Production type: original content production.


Objective: engage audiences and convey trust for viewers.


Creative win: surprise and interact with audience in an unexpected way.






Production type: remix of brand elements  + original content shoot.


Objective: Conversions, ROAS


Creative win: testimonials with visual tricks to interact with the viewer










Production type: remixed content from existing assets. 


Objective: activations through stories, feed content and banners


Creative win: Motion design only (credit card being almost the only asset available)





+48% CTR


+32% Leads generated

(-16% cost per lead)


+0,21pts Conversions


Production type: remixed from existing assets. 


Objective: activations through stories and feed content.


Creative win: 3 concepts, 5 languages. 1 motion design video made from scratch, 1 optimised from brand's video and one made only from motion design and stock videos.




Production type: remixed content from existing assets. 


Objective: Campaign "hell of Habito" featuring the nightmarish pain and stress of getting a mortgage without Habito. 


Creative win: Based on 5 TVCs, we re-created short ads for IG story and feed formats. 





+7pts brand awareness


+13,1pts Ad recall



Production type: remixed and original content. All year collab.


Objective: Conversions


Creative win: Infusing rhythm,  leveraging on USPs and clients reviews in a relatable way for the viewer.







Ad Recall (v. bench)




Purchase intent


Production type: original content (3D) 


Objective: Conversions campaigns.


Creative win: Who said product-focused ads should be boring? Going beyond the product/price/CTA triptych to create a thumb-stopping ad.






Production type: original content production with creator. 


Objective: Conversion campaign on hi-tech product line.


Creative win: playing with visual tricks and special effects to engage and surprise the viewer.






Production type: remixed content from existing assets. 


Objective: Consideration and conversion


Creative win: create motion design composition from very little input (product visual) and turn static into social first video.






Production type: original content production.


Objective: Conversion (acquisition). Betclic wanted to refresh their ads on Snapchat, a huge recruitment channel for them.


Creative win: they wanted to feel more “real”, talk about true stories, people, emotions, and go far from the only “money topic”. A very agile, yet qualitative shooting, with several actors, to tell “little stories” through people’s phones.






Production type: Original content production


Objective: share the FreePrints offer in a way that will appeal to females less than 40 years old and young mothers.


Creative win: we also produced a custom track that remixed their jingle into something danceable and catchy, in line with TikTok best practices.


Production type: strategy and production of organic content for Netflix FR.


Objective: We are collaborating on the strategy and production of content all year long for Netflix FR.


Creative win:

- Creation of editorial line for the launch on TikTok

- Daily strategic collaboration

- Proposing creative ideas in-line with key trends and best practices

- Video production and localisation​







In one month, the account has made

6M views and won about






415 000 views

67 000 likes

342 000 views

61 000 likes

852 000 views

44 000 likes

Production type: original content and remixed content from existing.


Objective: Conversions campaigns.


Creative win: explain the offer in a fun and simple way. Mixing original shoot and motion design creations. 






Production type: revamping of existing assets.


Objective: Conversion


Creative win: text overlay and split screen effects


Production type: Original production


Objective: Produce large set of ads to avoid ad fatigue with iteration/combinations in mind, all size ratio, all purpose (beauty oriented, B2B oriented, conversion oriented).


Creative win: ½ day shooting, 60 assets produced.







in 5 months


-50 % 

cost per lead


Production type: revamping of existing assets (mix).


Objective: raise awareness with 3 small videos.


Creative win: motion design and illustration





Ad recall


Purchase intent

2,4 M



Production type: Original production


Objective: Conversion + explain the new online car service.


Creative win: Visual tricks & Zach King effects







Appointments booking



Cost per appointment

Production type: Turning trailers into mobile-first ads. 


Objective: Movie launches campaigns. 


Creative win: re-think existing assets with a creative twist and play with the ad placements to engage with the audience and immerse into the movie.




Production type: Turning trailers into mobile-first ads. 


Objective: Movie launches campaigns. 


Creative win: re-think existing assets with a creative twist and play with the ad placements to engage with the audience.




Production type: original production


Objective: Acquisition campaign for message encryption system and "view once" functionality. Launch in several different countries in EU.


Creative win: 3D and visual tricks to explain a complex technology in real life, catching the viewer's attention from the first seconds.







Production type: remixed content from only product visual. 


Objective: Awareness campaign 


Creative win: elegant and short creatives to showcase the product line. 



Production type: turning existing  video footage into social friendly story ads.


Objective: "Open at night" campaign & Xmas gifting campaign. 


Creative win: elegant yet modern creatives to appeal to younger target audience. 




Production type: remixed content from static images and footage.


Objective: Awareness campaign 


Creative win: new, highly creative videos, from existing assets, embracing the brand's storytelling.



Production type: remixed content from only product visual. Collage effect with motion design.


Objective: Consideration and direct response campaign 


Creative win: telling a story while showcasing the product line. Getting away from the standard product ad.



Production type: remixed content from only product visual. Collage effect with motion design.


Objective: Awareness campaign 


Creative win: poetic and subtle creatives to showcase the product line. 



Production type: remixed content from images & pack shots.


Objective: Promotion of the new eyewear collection.


Creative win: mixing brand elements and product carousel for brandformance.



Production type: turing existing  footage a TikTok set of ads.


Objective: Awareness & DR. production of assets for TikTok, IG & YT campaigns for the launch of new Black Opium line pillar. Mix of Branding and direct response ads. Total of 22 deliverables.


Creative win: highlight the ingredients in a unique way, add visual elements that look seamless in the creative and speak to TikTok audience.

Production type: Original content shoot.


Objective: Conversion. Produce highly engaging e-comm landing pages GIFs to drive performance and purchase.


Creative win: "Brandformance". Building creative assets for the low funnel.



Production type: remixed content from existing assets.


Objective: Reach/awareness for Halloween.


Creative win: Re-thinking product TVC for mobile-first campaign.





Production type: remixed content production from statics, pack shot and footage.


Objective: Reach/awareness for the launch of a new micro-brewery craft beer line.


Creative win: refreshing, modern creative showcasing uniqueness of product. Storytelling around micro-brewery and its origins.



+74% Reach

(very strong exposure)


21+ Million impressions 

(+49% increase v. forecast)


-33% CPM 

(v. platform benchmark)


Production type: original content (3D)


Objective: Reach/awareness


Creative win: premium 3D animation showcasing limited editions. 





Production type: original content shoot and animation of static images. Various projects throughout the year.


Objective: awareness, traffic on YT channel and key moment of the year. 


Creative win:

Original productions using various techniques (stop motion, visual tricks, 3D,...)

Remixed content: animation of statics for organic purpose.





Production type: original content shoot 


Objective: Reach/awareness for the launch of the new flavour range.


Creative win: telling a story in a few seconds with this stop motion original creation embracing the brand's colours and codes.




Production type: original content shoot of 3 cocktail recipes.


Objective: Reach/awareness


Creative win: cocktail recipes with a modern twist and mobile-first approach. 





Production type: original content shoot. 


Objective: Awareness


Creative win: support the brand and show the product in a playful way.





Production type: original content shoot for e-retailer landing page. 


Objective: Conversion


Creative win: promote the range of beers and show the product in a playful way. A small animation car have a big impact on conversion rates when people are on the "add to cart" landing pages. This type of content production is easily scalable.



x10 conversion rate  for landing page visitors.



By fredfarrugia


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