Production type: collaborating on the strategy and production of content all year long (original and remixed productions)


Objective: Awareness & DR. Production of assets for TikTok


Creative win:

- Creation of editorial line for the launch on TikTok

- Daily strategic collaboration

- Proposing creative ideas in-line with key trends and best practices

- Video production and localisation​


Production type: remixed content.


Objective: Conversion. 


Creative win: working from very little input (only tire visual) to create appealing video highlight the product features.




Production type: Tiktok content 


Objective: Collaboration with the social media team from Disney


Creative win:

- We train their teams to create immersive content for Tiktok

- We provide them a newsletter with Tiktok news and trends

- We create content for them and with them




Production type: original and remixed content production


Objective: organic content production to engage with the community.


Creative win: on-site original content shoot with creators. Transitions effects and visual tricks to generate engagement and curiosity.


Production type: remixed content from existing assets.


Objective: test how important the sound is on FB (one version with music and one with sound design)


Creative win: sound design and ASMR videos. 

Production type: original content production


Objective: Consideration and Conversion. 


Creative win: immersion into how one spent their weekend with Weekendesk, with seamless transition animations.

Production type: Original production (stop motion).


Objective: communicate about in-store limited offers and seduce with highly engaging content.


Creative win: fun, cute and engaging social native content.




Production type: revamping of existing assets + AR filter original production.


Objective: Awareness,  Consideration and Conversion. Launch of the new "Happy Galeries" campaign. 


Creative win: playful, out of the box content, engaging with audience, at each step of the funnel.



Production type: original production


Objective: Acquisition campaign for message encryption system and "view once" functionality. Launch in several different countries in EU.


Creative win: 3D and visual tricks to explain a complex technology in real life, catching the viewer's attention from the first seconds.







THE FORK (TRIP ADVISOR) - Optimization of existing assets



By fredfarrugia


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