Production type: remixed content from existing assets.


Objective: Reach/awareness for Halloween.


Creative win: Re-thinking product TVC for mobile-first campaign.





Production type: remixed content production from statics, pack shot and footage.


Objective: Reach/awareness for the launch of a new micro-brewery craft beer line.


Creative win: refreshing, modern creative showcasing uniqueness of product. Storytelling around micro-brewery and its origins.



+74% Reach

(very strong exposure)


21+ Million impressions 

(+49% increase v. forecast)


-33% CPM 

(v. platform benchmark)


Production type: original content (3D)


Objective: Reach/awareness


Creative win: premium 3D animation showcasing limited editions. 





Production type: original content shoot and animation of static images. Various projects throughout the year.


Objective: awareness, traffic on YT channel and key moment of the year. 


Creative win:

Original productions using various techniques (stop motion, visual tricks, 3D,...)

Remixed content: animation of statics for organic purpose.





Production type: original content shoot 


Objective: Reach/awareness for the launch of the new flavour range.


Creative win: telling a story in a few seconds with this stop motion original creation embracing the brand's colours and codes.




Production type: original content shoot of 3 cocktail recipes.


Objective: Reach/awareness


Creative win: cocktail recipes with a modern twist and mobile-first approach. 





Production type: original content shoot. 


Objective: Awareness


Creative win: support the brand and show the product in a playful way.





Production type: original content shoot for e-retailer landing page. 


Objective: Conversion


Creative win: promote the range of beers and show the product in a playful way. A small animation car have a big impact on conversion rates when people are on the "add to cart" landing pages. This type of content production is easily scalable.



x10 conversion rate  for landing page visitors.



By tools The Source


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