Production type: Turning trailers into mobile-first ads. 


Objective: Movie launches campaigns. 


Creative win: re-think existing assets with a creative twist and play with the ad placements to engage with the audience and immerse into the movie.




Production type: Turning trailers into mobile-first ads. 


Objective: Movie launches campaigns. 


Creative win: re-think existing assets with a creative twist and play with the ad placements to engage with the audience.




Production type: strategy and production of organic content for Netflix FR.


Objective: We are collaborating on the strategy and production of content all year long for Netflix FR.


Creative win:

- Creation of editorial line for the launch on TikTok

- Daily strategic collaboration

- Proposing creative ideas in-line with key trends and best practices

- Video production and localisation​







In one month, the account has made

6M views and won about






415 000 views

67 000 likes

342 000 views

61 000 likes

852 000 views

44 000 likes

Production type: original content shoot. 


Objective: Acquisition campaigns during lockdown.


Creative win: working with several different creators during the lockdown to inspire people to create on TikTok. Key topics: sport, leisure and "at home" entertainment.



Production type: original and remixed content production


Objective: organic content production to engage with the community.


Creative win: on-site original content shoot with creators. Transitions effects and visual tricks to generate engagement and curiosity.


Production type: original production


Objective: Acquisition campaign for message encryption system and "view once" functionality. Launch in several different countries in EU.


Creative win: 3D and visual tricks to explain a complex technology in real life, catching the viewer's attention from the first seconds.







Production type: remixed content



Objective: awareness campaign on the reopening



Creative win: dynamic short videos showing the attractiveness of the rollercoasters by adding fun effects