Production type: creating new ads from existing assets, only from product pack shots.


Objective: Awareness on new product launch.


Creative win: tornado effect catching viewer's attention and revealing the new product.



Best campaign of the year (2019)



Production type: remixed content: turning product pack shot into a set of mobile-first video ads.  


Objective: CSR campaign


Creative win: 1 video, 1 message, allowing very short format and strong message.





Production type: remixed content (motion design). From only product pack shots and brand elements.


Objective: Consideration and conversion for Gillette subscription program campaign


Creative win: flawless, precise and minimalist content that speaks to the target audience.





Production type: original content.


Objective: Awareness campaign


Creative win: unexpected street encounter and 3D effect to catch viewer's attention.





Production type: original content production throughout the year.


Objective: Awareness/reach 


Creative win: Premium, playful, colourful and visually satisfying 3D, 2D and real life content that catches viewer's attention.





Production type: video from static DOOH .


Objective: CSR worldwide campaign.


Creative win: McCann produced their DOOH campaign with objects in 3D. The Source imagined its video  interpretation on social media.





Production type: original production


Objective: Acquisition campaign for message encryption system and "view once" functionality. Launch in several different countries in EU.


Creative win: 3D and visual tricks to explain a complex technology in real life, catching the viewer's attention from the first seconds.








By Michaël Nkaoua


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