Production type: remixed production from existing assets.


Objective: Conversion (acquisition). 


Creative win: creative exploration and iteration of different versions to engage sub-target audiences around their motivations: expertise, social, progression and escapism.










Production type: original content production.


Objective: Conversion (acquisition). Betclic wanted to refresh their ads on Snapchat, a huge recruitment channel for them.


Creative win: they wanted to feel more “real”, talk about true stories, people, emotions, and go far from the only “money topic”. A very agile, yet qualitative shooting, with several actors, to tell “little stories” through people’s phones.






Production type: Original content production


Objective: Promote the game on TikTok in a way that speaks to the audience.


Creative win: bring the game into life in a way that is surprising yet natural to the platform.



Production type: original content shoot. 


Objective: Acquisition campaigns during lockdown.


Creative win: working with several different creators during the lockdown to inspire people to create on TikTok. Key topics: sport, leisure and "at home" entertainment.



Production type: original production


Objective: Acquisition campaign for message encryption system and "view once" functionality. Launch in several different countries in EU.


Creative win: 3D and visual tricks to explain a complex technology in real life, catching the viewer's attention from the first seconds.







Production type: original content production.


Objective: Conversion. King needed to explore fresher ways to acquire new players v. traditional gaming ads.


Creative win: After a creative exploration we identified 3 creators and produced these videos from scratch.







Production type: original content production.


Objective: Conversion (acquisition). Create ads that will appeal to young men and speak on the functionalities of the game.


Creative win: creative real life video tricks mixed with game-UI focused videos that engage in a playful way with audience. 





Production type: Original production


Objective: Produce large set of ads to avoid ad fatigue with iteration/combinations in mind, all size ratio, all purpose (beauty oriented, B2B oriented, conversion oriented).


Creative win: ½ day shooting, 60 assets produced.







in 5 months


-50 % 

cost per lead